K-12 Online Stores

Building an online store for a school can be difficult. Especially when you have to factor in the needs of your students, their families, and your faculty. Acquiring inventory that caters to all of these groups can be costly.
We can circumvent these obstacles by offering a wide range of merchandise; including men’s, women’s, and youth apparel. Enabling everyone to find the item for them while staying under one URL, keeping costs and maintenance to a minimum.
Whether it’s a store just for your school or your entire district, our solution is here to help.

We can boost your brand and school by offering…
- Ability to easily add new artwork to your site
- Assistance with brand standards and school graphics (both advising and creating)
- Dedicated (optional) portals for donors, employee personal orders, and school purchases
- Facilitation of bulk orders for special events at a discounted price
- Royalty collection on all retail sales
And more!
Take the first step
Give us a call or fill out our inquiry form today.